Chicago meeting: ELPT TO EOL: Early Land Plants to Encyclopedia of Life
Conveners: Matt von Konrat (Dept. of Botany, The Field Museum, Chicago); Lars Söderström (Dept. of Biology, NTNU, Norway); Anders Hagborg (Dept. of Botany, The Field Museum, Chicago)Venue: Biodiversity Synthesis Center, The Field Museum, Chicago, U.S.A.
Dates: Tuesday May 26 to Friday May 29, 2009.
Synopsis of meeting (preliminary)
Day 1, Tuesday, May 26.
- Introductions
- Individual/group brief presentations
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Targeted taxonomic groups [break-a-way groups]
- Targeted taxonomic groups - continued [break-a-way groups]
- Targeted taxonomic groups – brief reporting [full participation]
- Preliminary world liverwort checklist [full participation]
- Preliminary world liverwort checklist - continued [full participation]
- General Geography [full participation]
- Geography [break-a-way groups]
- Recap, review, regroup [full participation]
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