Ya pueden consultar en linea el contenido del nuevo numero de The Bryologist 112 (3), el cual saldrá en Septiembre, 2009.
La lista del contenido es:
Phylogenetic analyses reveal high levels of polyphyly among pleurocarpous lineages as well as novel clades
Sanna Olsson, Volker Buchbender, Johannes Enroth, Lars Hedenäs, Sanna Huttunen, Dietmar Quandt
pg(s) 447–466
Influence of tree composition upon epiphytic macrolichens and bryophytes in old forests of Acadia National Park, Maine
Natalie L. Cleavitt, Alison C. Dibble, David A. Werier
pg(s) 467–487
Interacting effects of tree characteristics on the occurrence of rare epiphytes in a Swedish beech forest area
Örjan Fritz, Jörg Brunet, Mayra Caldiz
pg(s) 488–505
Does moisture affect the partitioning of bryophytes between terrestrial and epiphytic substrates within cool temperate rain forests?
David Y. P. Tng, Patrick J. Dalton, Gregory J. Jordan
pg(s) 506–519
Influence of substrate age and quality on species diversity of lichens and bryophytes on stumps.
Alexandro Caruso, Jörgen Rudolphi
pg(s) 520–531
Ethnobryological notes from Western Ghats, India.
M. Remesh, C. N(=Manju C. Nair) Manju
pg(s) 532–537
Molecular data confirm the position of Flakea papillata in the Verrucariaceae.
Lucia Muggia, Cécile Gueidan, Gary B. Perlmutter, Ove E. Eriksson, Martin Grube
pg(s) 538–543
Puttea, gen. nov., erected for the enigmatic lichen Lecidea margaritella.
Soili Stenroos, Seppo Huhtinen, Anne Lesonen, Zdeněk Palice, Christian Printzen
pg(s) 544–557
The lichen flora of Sable Island, Nova Scotia: its past, present and likely future status.
David H. S. Richardson, Zoe Lucas, Frances Anderson
pg(s) 558–571
Erioderma mollissimum (Pannariaceae) found with certainty in Newfoundland, Canada.
Per M. Jørgensen, Stephen R. Clayden, Claudia Hanel, John A. Elix
pg(s) 572–575
Reviewers of manuscripts submitted during 2008
pg(s) 576–577
Stigmidium epistigmellum (Mycosphaerellaceae), a lichenicolous fungus from maritime Caloplaca in North America.
Jana Kocourková, Kerry Knudsen
pg(s) 578–583
Globulinella halloyi (Pottiaceae), a new species from Argentina.
MarÍa M. Schiavone, Guillermo M. Suárez
pg(s) 584–588
A new species of Taxithelium (Sematophyllaceae) from Seram, Indonesia.
Paulo E. A. S. Câmara
pg(s) 589–592
Homalothecium californicum (Brachytheciaceae), a new endemic species to the California Floristic Province, Pacific Coast of North America.
Lars Hedenäs, Sanna Huttunen, James R. Shevock, Daniel H. Norris
pg(s) 593–604
Mielichhoferia shevockii, comb. nov. (Mielichhoferiaceae).
A. Jonathan Shaw
pg(s) 605–605
Anomodon longifolius and A. thraustus (Anomodontaceae) new to North America, north of Mexico.
Íñigo Granzow-de la Cerda, Ruprecht P. G. Düll
pg(s) 606–610
Henry O. Whittier, bryologist (1937–2008).
Harvey A. Miller
pg(s) 611–613
Ren-Liang Hu (1932–2009)
Rui-Liang Zhu, You-Fang Wang
pg(s) 614–618
A lavish new treatment of Antarctic mosses
James R. Shevock
pg(s) 619–621
Southernmost Chilean lichenicolous fungi.
Kerry Knudsen
pg(s) 621–622
Recent Literature
Recent literature on bryophytes—112(3)
William R. Buck, Bruce Allen, Ronald A. Pursell
pg(s) 623–633
Recent literature on lichens—214
Robert S. Egan
pg(s) 634–650
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