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27 febrero 2009

PhD position moss ecophysiology. Germany/Panama

I am happy to announce the following job opening for a PhD student in bryology in Germany/Panama. Please spread the word to potentially interested students!

Best wishes,

Maaike Bader

PhD position moss ecophysiology

We invite applications for a 3-year PhD position (E13, 50%) in a DFG-funded project addressing global warming effects on tropical bryophytes (mosses and liverworts). This project was inspired by the suggestion that bryophytes in the warm tropics may already exist at the edge of their physiological abilities because they lose much of their daily carbon gain to nightly respiration. The goal of the project is to develop a model of bryophyte carbon relations, parameterized and validated with field data, including diel CO2 exchange and growth rates of mosses growing at different altitudes.
The acclimatization potential of CO2-exchange rates will be studied in transplantation experiments and in bryophytes cultivated under controlled conditions. The position is based in Oldenburg, northern Germany, and involves extensive fieldwork in Panama.

The successful applicant will hold an MSc-degree or equivalent in Biology or a related discipline and have an interest and, preferably, experience in bryology, plant ecophysiology, ecology, tropical biology and mathematical modelling. Further requirements include an analytical and critical mindset, the ability to work independently in primitive tropical field conditions,
good English writing skills and a willingness to learn German and Spanish.

Closing date: April 17, 2009, or when the position is filled.
Starting date: May 1, 2009, or a.s.a.p.

For further information: maaike.bader[at] or

Please send your application, including CV and the contact details of three
references, to the first email address above or to: Dr. Maaike Bader,
Functional Ecology of Plants, Department of Biology and Environmental
Sciences, University of Oldenburg, P.O. Box 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg,

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer. In order to increase the percentage
of female faculty members, female candidates with equal qualification will
be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially
considered in case of equal qualification.

Maaike Bader
University of Oldenburg
Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences
Functional Ecology of Plants
P.O.Box 2503
26111 Oldenburg

Tel: +49-441-7983343
Fax: +49-441-7983331

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